
load meaning in Hindi

load    ({noun})दबाव|बोझ|बहार
to load    ({v.t.})बोझ लादना|भरा लेना|लदा लेना|भारी करना|बंदूक आदि भरना|बहुत देना|भरना|माल लादनना
loaded    ({adj.})अमीर|लादा हुआ|भरा हुआ

Translations & Examples

load    (also: nightmare, oppression, pressure, repression, stress, weight)दबाव
load    (also: burden, clog, lever, pack, rick, weight, wisp, lade)बोझ
load    (also: scene, scenery)बहार
to load    भरा लेना
to load    लदा लेना
to load    (also: to aggravate)भारी करना
to load    बंदूक आदि भरना
to load    बहुत देना
to load    (also: to fill, to plump, to ram, to belly, to impregnate, to saturate, to stock, to suffuse, to supplement, to supply)भरना
to load    माल लादनना
loaded    लादा हुआ
loaded    (also: fraught, full, replete, saturated)भरा हुआ

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