to make

to make meaning in Hindi

to make    ({v.t.})रचना|बनाना|ढालना
to make nothing of    ({vb})कुछ न मानना|कोई चीज़ न जानना|तुच्छ जानना
Context sentences    ({vb})
Context sentences    ({vb})main|mainland|mainly|mainstay|maintenance|maize|majestic|majesty|major|majority|to make|maker|makeshift|malady|malaria|male|malevolence|malevolent|malice|malicious|malignant

Translations & Examples

to make    (also: to write, to invent, to organize, to organise)रचना
to make    (also: to alter, to model, to qualify, to erect, to fabricate, to form, to found, to frame, to hew, to rescue)बनाना
to make    (also: to fill, to mold, to mould, to fashion, to form, to found, to pour, to run)ढालना
of    warningकोई चीज़ न जानना
of    warningतुच्छ जानना

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