to manage

to manage meaning in Hindi

to manage    ({vb})चलाना|प्रबन्ध करना|उपाय करना|बन्दोबस्त करना|शासन करना
manageable    ({adj.})प्रबन्धनीय|शासनीय|काबू का|बस का
manager    ({noun})संचालक|कारिन्दा|मैनेजर|प्रबंधक|अधिष्ठाता|निर्वाहक
management    ({noun})शासन|संचालन|बन्दोबस्त|प्रबंध|अनुशासन

Translations & Examples

to manage    (also: to administer, to fire, to flirt, to hasten, to level, to deal, to direct, to drive, to enforce, to run)चलाना
to manage    (also: to administer, to order, to arrange, to boss, to handle, to oversee, to ordain, to supervise)प्रबन्ध करना
to manage    (also: to cure, to hatch, to redress, to remedy, to treat, to frame, to plan, to scheme, to devise)उपाय करना
to manage    बन्दोबस्त करना
to manage    (also: to administer, to discipline, to govern, to head, to predominate, to rule, to dominate, to reign)शासन करना
manageable    शासनीय
manageable    काबू का
manageable    बस का
manager    (also: journeyman, steward)कारिन्दा
manager    मैनेजर
manager    warningप्रबंधक
manager    (also: laird, ruler)अधिष्ठाता
management    (also: guidance)संचालन
management    (also: regulation, settlement)बन्दोबस्त
management    (also: disposition, order, provision, thesis, tract, transaction, treatise, treatment)प्रबंध
management    (also: admonition, guidance)अनुशासन

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