
manufacturer meaning in Hindi

manufacturer    ({noun})दस्तकार|शिल्पकार|कारीगर
manufacture    ({noun})विरचन|दस्तकारी|कारीगरी|शिल्प निर्माण|उत्पादन
to manufacture    ({v.t.})गढना|शिल्प निर्माण करना|बनाना

Translations & Examples

manufacturer    (also: artisan, craftsman)दस्तकार
manufacturer    (also: artifice, artificer, craftsman)शिल्पकार
manufacturer    (also: adept, artificer, artisan, craftsman, maker, mechanic, operative, workman, wright)कारीगर
manufacture    दस्तकारी
manufacture    (also: art, stroke, trait, workmanship)कारीगरी
manufacture    शिल्प निर्माण
manufacture    (also: procreation)उत्पादन
to manufacture    शिल्प निर्माण करना
to manufacture    (also: to alter, to model, to qualify, to erect, to fabricate, to form, to found, to frame, to hew, to rescue)बनाना

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