
marvel meaning in Hindi

marvel    ({noun})चमत्कार|आश्चर्य|अचम्भा
to marvel    ({v.i.})आश्चर्य करना|अचम्भित होना
marvellous    ({adj.})आश्चर्यजनक|अद्भुत
marvelous    ({adj.})अद्भुत|आश्चर्यजनक

Translations & Examples

marvel    (also: miracle)चमत्कार
marvel    (also: amazement, astonishment, consternation, miracle, surprise, wonder, amaze)आश्चर्य
marvel    (also: admiration, astonishment, stupor)अचम्भा
to marvel    अचम्भित होना
marvellous    (also: amazing, antic, curious, extraordinary, marvelous, miraculous, odd, phenomenal, preposterous, prodigious)अद्भुत
marvelous    (also: amazing, marvellous, monumental, wonderful)आश्चर्यजनक

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