
masterful meaning in Hindi

masterful    ({adj.})ढीठ|धृष्ट|कुशल|निपुण
master    ({noun})हाकिम|शासक|उस्ताद|निपुण|कुशल|दक्ष|प्रभु|नेता|सरदार|नायक|मुखिया|मालिक|स्वामी|शिक्षक
to master    ({v.t.})अधीन करना
master-stroke    ({noun})कमाल

Translations & Examples

masterful    (also: audacious, confident, haughty, imprudent, insolent, overbearing, perky, pert, petulant, pretentious)ढीठ
masterful    (also: audacious, haughty, imperious, indecent, pragmatic, pretentious, saucy, shameless)धृष्ट
masterful    (also: adept, administrative, handy, intelligent, proficient, ready, skilled, conversant, well)कुशल
masterful    (also: able, accomplished, adept, adroit, artful, competent, deft, expert, handy, ingenious)निपुण
master    (also: governor, principal, rector, regent, regulator, ruler, lord)शासक
master    (also: adept, dab, instructor, proficient)उस्ताद
master    (also: expert)निपुण
master    (also: good, welfare)कुशल
master    दक्ष
master    (also: employer, king, lord)प्रभु
master    (also: boss, chief, conductor, leader, pioneer)नेता
master    (also: chieftain, head, laird, nobleman, prince, principal, lord, superior)सरदार
master    (also: chief, conductor, corporal, hero, principal, lord)नायक
master    (also: cap, chief, chieftain, president, principal)मुखिया
master    (also: employer, head, owner)मालिक
master    (also: employer, owner, proprietor, lord)स्वामी
master    (also: academician, coach, lecturer, pundit, scribe, teacher, trainer, tutor)शिक्षक

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