
match meaning in Hindi

match    ({noun})दियासलाई|माचिस|बत्ती|पलीता|विवाद|युद्ध|शर्त|विवाह सम्बन्ध|समानबल|बराबरी का मनुष्य
to match    ({v.t.})शादी करना|उपयुक्त होना|बराबरी करना|विवाह करना|बराबर करना|ठीक करना

Translations & Examples

match    दियासलाई
match    माचिस
match    (also: lint, searchlight)बत्ती
match    (also: wick)पलीता
match    (also: altercation, controversy, debate, diatribe, dispute, quarrel, reasoning)विवाद
match    (also: action, battle, combat, fight, war, warfare)युद्ध
match    (also: bet, compact, condition, lay, pact, provision, reservation, stipulation)शर्त
match    (also: matrimony)विवाह सम्बन्ध
match    समानबल
match    बराबरी का मनुष्य
to match    (also: to suffice)उपयुक्त होना
to match    (also: to nose, to square, to emulate, to rival)बराबरी करना
to match    (also: to marry, to espouse)विवाह करना
to match    (also: to balance, to level, to equalize, to proportionate, to accord, to even, to plain)बराबर करना
to match    (also: to adjust, to amend, to pair, to prepare, to punish, to recover, to rectify, to set, to fashion, to fit)ठीक करना

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