
mature meaning in Hindi

mature    ({adj.})पक्का|पूरा|तैयार
to mature    ({vb})पूरा बनाना|पकना|तैयार करना
maturity    ({noun})मियाद या मिती का पूरा होना|पक्कापन|प्रौढता|सम्पूर्णता

Translations & Examples

mature    (also: adept, certain, cogent, consummate, determined, indelible, inflexible, mellow, positive, stable)पक्का
mature    (also: exquisite)पूरा
mature    (also: handy, present, prompt, ready, ripe, willing)तैयार
to mature    पकना
to mature    (also: to prepare, to season, to ripen, to confect)तैयार करना
maturity    पक्कापन
maturity    (also: puberty, ripeness)प्रौढता
maturity    (also: entirety)सम्पूर्णता

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