to meditate

to meditate meaning in Hindi

to meditate    ({v.t.})विचारना|सोचना|ध्यान करना
meditative    ({adj.})ध्यानी|चिन्तनशील
meditation    ({noun})ध्यान|विचार|चिन्तन

Translations & Examples

to meditate    (also: to deem, to deliberate, to notice, to view)विचारना
to meditate    (also: to fancy, to deem, to deliberate, to entertain, to hatch, to note, to speculate, to view)सोचना
to meditate    (also: to muse, to reflect, to note, to remark, to regard)ध्यान करना
meditative    चिन्तनशील
meditation    (also: belief, caution, concept, conception, consideration, contemplation, deliberation, determination, discretion, discrimination)विचार
meditation    चिन्तन

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