
meet meaning in Hindi

meet    ({adj.})उचित|ठीक|मुनासिब|सुविधा का|उपयुक्त
to meet    ({vb})मिलना|मुठभेड करना|इकट्ठा होना|आमने सामने आना
meeting    ({noun})सभा|भेंट|सम्मेलन|मुलाकात|संगम|मिलाप

Translations & Examples

meet    (also: advisable, applicable, appropriate, becoming, binding, competent, correct, decent, expedient, fair)उचित
meet    (also: accurate, actual, answerable, apt, correct, crucial, definite, equal, equitable, exact)ठीक
meet    (also: reasonable)मुनासिब
meet    (also: convenient, handy, opportune, ready, pat)सुविधा का
meet    (also: appropriate, capable, compatible, convenient, decent, germane, pertinent, relevant, right, special)उपयुक्त
to meet    मुठभेड करना
to meet    (also: to herd, to throng, to assemble, to swarm, to troop)इकट्ठा होना
to meet    आमने सामने आना
meeting    (also: dedication, gift, interview, offering, present, presentation, reception, visit, visitation, largess)भेंट
meeting    (also: conference, convention)सम्मेलन
meeting    (also: encounter, interview, reception, visit, visitation, inverview)मुलाकात
meeting    (also: confluence, conjunction, junction)संगम
meeting    (also: accommodation, accord, amalgamation, conciliation, entertainment, fellowship, joint, junction)मिलाप

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