
mind meaning in Hindi

mind    ({noun})मन|रुचि|दिल|बुद्धि|हृदय|इच्छा|मानस|मत|मनस|स्मरण|चित्त|राय|समझ|स्मृति|अभिप्राय
to mind    ({v.i.})लिहाज़ करना|ध्यान देना|ख्याल करना
to mind    ({vb})एतराज़ होना
mindful    ({adj.})सावधान

Translations & Examples

mind    (also: psyche, soul, subject)मन
mind    (also: appetite, bent, disposition, humor, humour, inclination, love, palate, penchant, propensity)रुचि
mind    (also: heart)दिल
mind    (also: brain, calibre, comprehension, discretion, head, humor, humour, intellect, lore, part)बुद्धि
mind    (also: bosom, core, heart, nucleus)हृदय
mind    (also: bent, desire, fancy, inclination, penchant, pleasure, proclivity, propensity, purport, quest)इच्छा
mind    (also: psyche)मानस
mind    (also: belief, cult, doctrine, dogma, estimate, faith, idea, judgement, judgment, notion)मत
mind    (also: animus)मनस
mind    (also: memory, recollection, remembrance, reminiscence)स्मरण
mind    (also: psyche)चित्त
mind    (also: idea, judgement, judgment, notion, opinion, proposal, suggestion, thought, view, voice)राय
mind    (also: brain, discretion, discrimination, head, idea, intellect, intelligence, opinion, penetration, perception)समझ
mind    (also: recollection, reminiscence, retention)स्मृति
mind    (also: aim, cause, design, destination, determination, drift, goal, intent, intention, meaning)अभिप्राय
to mind    (also: to attend, to concentrate)ध्यान देना
to mind    (also: to mark, to muse, to presume, to remember, to heed)ख्याल करना
to mind    एतराज़ होना

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