
misery meaning in Hindi

misery    ({noun})आपद|मुसीबत|दुख|रंज|दुर्भाग्य|विपदा|क्लेश

Translations & Examples

misery    (also: casualty, catastrophe, misfortune, stroke)आपद
misery    (also: bad luck, difficulty, disaster, hardship, trouble)मुसीबत
misery    (also: calamity, grief, misfortune, regret, repentance)दुख
misery    (also: grievance, pressure, rue, spleen)रंज
misery    (also: adversity, bale, calamity, fate, misfortune, mishap)दुर्भाग्य
misery    (also: misadventure, evil, ill)विपदा
misery    (also: pinch, tribulation)क्लेश

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