
motion meaning in Hindi

motion    ({vb})इशारा करना
motion    ({noun})दस्त|चलने का ढंग|निवेदन|प्रवृत्ति|रेचन|चाल|प्रस्ताव|गमन|प्रेरणा|गति

Translations & Examples

motion    (also: to gesticulate, to insinuate, to intimate, to wink, to hint)इशारा करना
motion    (also: diarrhea, stool)दस्त
motion    चलने का ढंग
motion    (also: address, application, dedication, entreaty, request, statement)निवेदन
motion    (also: inclination, motive, penchant, predisposition, proclivity, propensity, trend, undertaking, vein)प्रवृत्ति
motion    रेचन
motion    (also: action, activity, career, carriage, ceremony, custom, gait, going, manner, mien)चाल
motion    (also: move, offer, tender)प्रस्ताव
motion    (also: exit, exodus, passage, march)गमन
motion    (also: impetus, impulse, incentive, inducement, inspiration, motivation, stimulus)प्रेरणा
motion    (also: career, circumstance, habit, movement, predicament, resource, speed, transit, transition, velocity)गति

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