
mouthful meaning in Hindi

mouthful    ({adj.})कौर|मुंह भर|थोडा
mouth    ({noun})छेद|द्वार|मुंह|मुख|मुहाना|मुँह
to mouth    ({v.t.})निगलना|हडप करना|मुंह में लेना

Translations & Examples

mouthful    कौर
mouthful    मुंह भर
mouthful    (also: diminutive, few, little, meager, meagre, moderate, scant, scanty, small, superficial)थोडा
mouth    (also: entrance, entry, gate, port, threshold, valve, vent, way)द्वार
mouth    (also: face, muzzle)मुंह
mouth    (also: countenance, face, front, visage)मुख
mouth    (also: outlet)मुहाना
mouth    मुँह
to mouth    (also: to devour)हडप करना
to mouth    मुंह में लेना

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