
observer meaning in Hindi

observer    ({noun})अवलोकनकारी|रखने वाला|देखनेवाला|करने वाला|अवेक्षक|मानने वाला
observable    ({adj.})ध्यान योग्य|विचार योग्य|काबिल ए गौर
observance    ({noun})आचार|रीति|ध्यान|अनुसरण
observation    ({noun})अवलोकन|वचन|आलोचना
observant    ({adj.})चौकस|ध्यान रखने वाला|सावधान|आज्ञाकारी

Translations & Examples

observer    अवलोकनकारी
observer    (also: holder, retainer)रखने वाला
observer    देखनेवाला
observer    (also: executor)करने वाला
observer    (also: director, overseer)अवेक्षक
observer    मानने वाला
observable    विचार योग्य
observable    काबिल ए गौर
observance    (also: address, ceremony, custom, etiquette, institute, method, mode, nature, order, ordinance)रीति
observance    (also: attention, care, consideration, contemplation, deliberation, ear, eye, hearing, heed, idea)ध्यान
observance    (also: prosecution, pursuit)अनुसरण
observation    (also: adage, agreement, aphorism, appointment, capitulation, compact, declaration, dictum, engagement, expression)वचन
observation    (also: criticism, examination)आलोचना
observant    ध्यान रखने वाला
observant    (also: alert, attentive, aware, canny, careful, cautious, circumspect, diligent, discreet, economical)सावधान
observant    (also: loyal, meek, obedient, orderly, submissive)आज्ञाकारी

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