
order meaning in Hindi

order    ({noun})नियम|समाज|दरजा|शान्ति|प्रबंध|रीति|जाति|अनुक्रम|आज्ञा|ढंग|व्यवहार|विधि
to order    ({vb})नियुक्त करना|आज्ञा देना|प्रबन्ध करना|क्रम से रखना
orderly    ({adj.})क्रम से|यथाक्रम
orderly    ({noun})अरदली|सिपाही वा चपरासी जो किसी अफसर के साथ हो

Translations & Examples

order    (also: act, compact, condition, covenant, decree, enactment, engagement, formula, institute, law)नियम
order    (also: brotherhood, circle, club, community, congress, guild, incorporation, society, synod)समाज
order    (also: point, rank)दरजा
order    (also: coolness, patience, relief, repose, serenity, stillness, submission, tranquility, tranquillity, calm)शान्ति
order    (also: disposition, management, provision, thesis, tract, transaction, treatise, treatment)प्रबंध
order    (also: address, ceremony, custom, etiquette, institute, method, mode, nature, observance, ordinance)रीति
order    (also: caste, clan, community, feather, gender, genus, kin, kind, kingdom, nation)जाति
order    (also: hierarchy, progression, range, sequence, succession)अनुक्रम
order    (also: allowance, behest, bidding, caution, charge, command, commandment, confirmation, dictate, fiat)आज्ञा
order    (also: breeding, carriage, demeanour, diction, expression, gait, habit, line, manner, method)ढंग
order    (also: affair, communication, custom, demeanour, experience, fashion, habit, life, negotiation, practice)व्यवहार
order    (also: act, decree, formula, institution, method, nature, precept, prescription, principle, procedure)विधि
to order    (also: to charge, to consent, to prescribe, to command, to will)आज्ञा देना
to order    (also: to administer, to manage, to arrange, to boss, to handle, to oversee, to ordain, to supervise)प्रबन्ध करना
to order    क्रम से रखना
orderly    (also: methodical, regular, systematic)यथाक्रम
orderly    अरदली
orderly    सिपाही वा चपरासी जो किसी अफसर के साथ हो

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