
out meaning in Hindi

out    ({adv.})बाहर|घर नहीं|दूर
to out    ({v.t.})निकाल देना
outlying    ({adj.})बाहर की सीमा पर का|बाहरी|सीमांत का|दूर पडा हुआ|अलग
out-and-out    ({adv.})सरासर|बिलकुल
fall-out    ({noun})घाटा|झरना|झगडना|पतझड|गिराव

Translations & Examples

out    (also: abroad, forth, outside, without)बाहर
out    घर नहीं
out    (also: afar, away, wide, off, outward, fro)दूर
outlying    (also: exterior, external, extraneous, foreign, outer, outlandish, outward, superficial, utter, objective)बाहरी
outlying    सीमांत का
outlying    दूर पडा हुआ
outlying    (also: asunder, detached, different, dissimilar, distant, distinct, exclusive, separate, several, single)अलग
out-and-out    (also: all, clear, diametrically, outright, strictly, utterly)बिलकुल
fall-out    (also: cascade, screen, sieve, spring, waterfall, well)झरना
fall-out    (also: fallout)झगडना
fall-out    (also: autumn)पतझड
fall-out    (also: demolition, drop, incidence, tumble)गिराव

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