to overrun

to overrun meaning in Hindi

to overrun    ({v.i.})मुंह तक भर जाना|बाहर निकलना|अधिक होना
to overrun    ({v.t.})बढ जाना|लूट पाट करना

Translations & Examples

to overrun    मुंह तक भर जाना
to overrun    (also: to jut)बाहर निकलना
to overrun    (also: to predominate, to rise, to surpass, to multiply, to exceed)अधिक होना
to overrun    (also: to outgo, to outreach, to outstrip, to outdo, to surmount, to surpass, to top, to exceed)बढ जाना
to overrun    लूट पाट करना

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