
palatable meaning in Hindi

palatable    ({adj.})सुस्वाद|स्वादिष्ट|रुचिकर
palatal    ({adj.})तालु
palate    ({noun})रुचि|स्वाद|मानसिक रुचि|पसन्द|तालू

Translations & Examples

palatable    (also: tasteful)सुस्वाद
palatable    (also: delicate, delicious, neat, racy, rich, savory, savoury, tasteful, tasty)स्वादिष्ट
palatable    (also: delicious, fancy, pleasant, savory, savoury, sweet, tasteful)रुचिकर
palate    (also: flavour, race, relish, salt, savor, savour, season, smack, swallow, taste)स्वाद
palate    मानसिक रुचि
palate    (also: choice, option, pick, preference, selection, swallow)पसन्द
palate    तालू

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