
paring meaning in Hindi

paring    ({noun})कतरन|छिलका|छीलन
to pare    ({v.t.})छीलना|छांटना|थोडा थोडा कम करना|कतरना

Translations & Examples

paring    (also: cabbage, clip, clipping, nibble, scrap, shred, snip, strip)कतरन
paring    (also: chaff, crust, hull, husk, peel, rind, scale, shale, shell, skin)छिलका
paring    छीलन
to pare    (also: to truncate, to assort, to beat, to curtail, to extract, to garble, to hew, to lop, to mutilate, to abridge)छांटना
to pare    थोडा थोडा कम करना
to pare    (also: to mince, to poll, to lop, to shear, to shred, to snip, to snub, to shy)कतरना

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