
passion meaning in Hindi

passion    ({noun})जोश|आवेग|आवेश|प्यार|लालसा|जुनून|चाव
passionate    ({adj.})क्रोध शील|गर्म|क्रोधी|तामसी|गुस्सैल

Translations & Examples

passion    (also: enthusiasm, excitement, fermentation, fire, sensation, vehemence, verve, warmth, zeal)जोश
passion    (also: emotion, impetus, momentum)आवेग
passion    (also: emotion, gust, gusto, heat)आवेश
passion    (also: endearment, fondness, indulgence, love)प्यार
passion    (also: ambition, eagerness, longing, lust, rage)लालसा
passion    जुनून
passion    चाव
passionate    (also: fervent, hot, sunny, thermal, torrid, warm)गर्म
passionate    (also: fierce, fiery, furious, huffy, impetuous, indignant, intemperate, irascible, resentful)क्रोधी
passionate    तामसी
passionate    गुस्सैल

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