
patron meaning in Hindi

patron    ({noun})पालक|संरक्षक|रक्षक|सहायक|सरपरस्त
to patronize    ({v.t.})रक्षा करना|आश्रय देना|सहायता करना|कृपा करना

Translations & Examples

patron    (also: preserver, protector)पालक
patron    (also: guardian, protector, shelter, warden)संरक्षक
patron    (also: advocate, curator, custodian, defender, escort, guardian, keeper, preserver, protector, shelter)रक्षक
patron    (also: accessory, adherent, aid, assistant, auxiliary, complement, deputy, friend, helper, promoter)सहायक
patron    सरपरस्त
to patronize    (also: to protect, to harbor, to house, to harbour, to patronise)आश्रय देना
to patronize    (also: to aid, to help, to protect, to speed, to succour, to support, to prompt, to relieve, to serve, to succor)सहायता करना
to patronize    (also: to grace, to oblige, to please, to regard, to patronise)कृपा करना

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