
pert meaning in Hindi

pert    ({adj.})चपल|फुर्तीला|अविनीत|चालाक|ढीठ

Translations & Examples

pert    (also: agile, bonny, brisk, fickle, mobile, playful, skittish, versatile, vivid)चपल
pert    (also: active, agile, brisk, busy, expeditious, expert, hasty, lithe, live, nimble)फुर्तीला
pert    (also: petulant, shameless)अविनीत
pert    (also: acute, adroit, agile, alive, arch, artful, astute, brisk, canny, clever)चालाक
pert    (also: audacious, confident, haughty, imprudent, insolent, masterful, overbearing, perky, petulant, pretentious)ढीठ

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