
petulant meaning in Hindi

petulant    ({adj.})ढीठ|दुःशील|झक्की|चिडचिडा|अविनीत|गुस्ताख

Translations & Examples

petulant    (also: audacious, confident, haughty, imprudent, insolent, masterful, overbearing, perky, pert, pretentious)ढीठ
petulant    (also: huffy, unkind, cross)दुःशील
petulant    (also: fantastic, garrulous, whimsical, fairy)झक्की
petulant    (also: cantankerous, crusty, irascible, irritable, moody, morose, nervous, perverse, sour, sullen)चिडचिडा
petulant    (also: pert, shameless)अविनीत
petulant    (also: audacious, haughty, imprudent, impudent, insolent, presumptuous)गुस्ताख

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