
pitch meaning in Hindi

pitch    ({noun})धूना|सीमा|राल|चोटी|चढाव वा उतराव का दर्जा
to pitch    ({v.i.})गाडना या खडा करना|डरा डालना|चढना उतरना
to pitch    ({v.t.})गाडना|फेंकना|काला करना|धूना लगाना

Translations & Examples

pitch    (also: resin)धूना
pitch    (also: barrier, border, bound, boundary, bourn, coast, compass, extremity, frontier, height)सीमा
pitch    (also: bitumen, resin)राल
pitch    (also: apex, braid, cap, climax, crest, crop, crown, cue, height, pinnacle)चोटी
pitch    चढाव वा उतराव का दर्जा
to pitch    डरा डालना
to pitch    चढना उतरना
to pitch    (also: to fix, to bury, to entomb, to implant, to inter, to lay, to plant, to root, to sepulcher, to sepulchre)गाडना
to pitch    (also: to flirt, to level, to reject, to expel, to hurl, to pelt, to send, to eject, to dart)फेंकना
to pitch    (also: to smudge, to darken, to smut)काला करना
to pitch    धूना लगाना

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