
plait meaning in Hindi

plait    ({noun})चुन्नट|गूंथन|तह|जाल
to plait    ({v.t.})जाली बनाना|गूंथना|लपेटना|तह करना

Translations & Examples

plait    चुन्नट
plait    गूंथन
plait    (also: plight, stratum, tuck)तह
plait    (also: cobweb, gin, gull, net, netting, ruse, snare, trap, tuck)जाल
to plait    (also: to thread, to braid, to score)गूंथना
to plait    (also: to curl, to enroll, to lock, to twist, to encase, to entwine, to gather, to gird, to involve, to lap)लपेटना
to plait    (also: to gather, to lap, to purse, to wrap, to fold)तह करना

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