
plan meaning in Hindi

plan    ({noun})रूप|उपाय|आकार|बन्दिश|नक्षा|ढांचा|तदबीर|यत्न
to plan    ({v.i.})बन्दिश करना|उपाय करना|ढांचा डालना|नक्षा बनाना

Translations & Examples

plan    (also: appearance, aspect, complexion, contour, countenance, effigy, emblem, feature, figure, look)रूप
plan    (also: appliance, artifice, boot, cure, design, device, machination, move, projection, recourse)उपाय
plan    (also: aspect, contour, delineation, figure, look, magnitude, semblance, shape, size, stamp)आकार
plan    (also: combination, plot)बन्दिश
plan    (also: draft, map, model, outline, profile, proposal, scheme, sketch)नक्षा
plan    (also: construction, contour, delineation, fabric, figure, flake, frame, map, outline, skeleton)ढांचा
plan    (also: invention)तदबीर
plan    (also: endeavour, essay, move, process)यत्न
to plan    (also: to cure, to hatch, to manage, to redress, to remedy, to treat, to frame, to scheme, to devise)उपाय करना
to plan    ढांचा डालना
to plan    नक्षा बनाना

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