
plant meaning in Hindi

plant    ({noun})हथियार|वनस्पति|औज़ार|पैबन्द|पौधा|जोड
to plant    ({v.t.})गाडना|रोपना|लगाना

Translations & Examples

plant    (also: apparatus, arm, implement, instrument, tool, weapon)हथियार
plant    (also: vegetation)वनस्पति
plant    (also: implement, tool)औज़ार
plant    (also: graft, patch, repair)पैबन्द
plant    (also: seedling, trailer)पौधा
plant    (also: addition, adjunct, aggregate, amount, bond, clout, connection, construction, counterpart, fixture)जोड
to plant    (also: to set, to transplant)रोपना
to plant    (also: to adjoin, to administer, to bed, to engage, to fix, to place, to set, to affix, to append, to apply)लगाना

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