
please meaning in Hindi

please    ({interj.})कृपया
to please    ({v.i.})राज़ी होना|चाहना|कृपा करना|पसन्द करना
to please    ({v.t.})खुश करना|रिझाना|प्रसन्न करना|राज़ी करना
pleasing    ({adj.})मनभावना|दिलपसन्द|सुखद|आनन्ददायक|रुचिर|प्रीतिकर
please listen    ({interj.})सुनिए

Translations & Examples

please    warningकृपया
to please    (also: to aspire, to care, to hanker)चाहना
to please    (also: to grace, to oblige, to regard, to patronize, to patronise)कृपा करना
to please    (also: to fancy, to like, to love, to savor, to savour)पसन्द करना
to please    (also: to indulge, to regale, to refresh, to refrigerate, to gladden, to joy)खुश करना
to please    (also: to allure, to bewitch, to recreate, to tickle)रिझाना
to please    (also: to indulge, to recreate, to regale, to delight, to oblige, to gladden, to rejoice)प्रसन्न करना
to please    राज़ी करना
pleasing    दिलपसन्द
pleasing    (also: charming, comfortable, congenial, delightful, pleasant, pleasurable, snug, welcome, winsome)सुखद
pleasing    (also: delightful, pleasurable)आनन्ददायक
pleasing    (also: acceptable, dainty, delectable, genial, pleasant, suave)रुचिर
pleasing    प्रीतिकर

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