
poke meaning in Hindi

poke    ({noun})थैला|घुसेड|झोला|भोंक
to poke    ({v.t.})सींग मारना|उकसाना|नोकीली चीज़ से ढकेलना या मारना

Translations & Examples

poke    (also: bag, budget, sac, sack)थैला
poke    घुसेड
poke    (also: knapsack, wallet)झोला
poke    भोंक
to poke    (also: to excite, to goad, to induce, to lift, to persuade, to raise, to edge, to incite, to inflame, to provoke)उकसाना
to poke    नोकीली चीज़ से ढकेलना या मारना

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