to possess

to possess meaning in Hindi

to possess    ({v.t.})पकड लेना|प्राप्त करना|कब्ज़ा रखना|अधिकार रखना|दखल करना|दबा लेना
possession    ({noun})कब्ज़ा|भुक्ति|भोग|जायदाद|माल|दखल|अधिकार

Translations & Examples

to possess    (also: to overtake, to bite)पकड लेना
to possess    (also: to arrive, to find, to get, to obtain, to reach, to reap, to achieve, to acquire, to avail, to gain)प्राप्त करना
to possess    कब्ज़ा रखना
to possess    (also: to owe)अधिकार रखना
to possess    दखल करना
to possess    (also: to usurp)दबा लेना
possession    भुक्ति
possession    (also: clover, enjoyment, occupancy, occupation, snack, tenure, use)भोग
possession    (also: property)जायदाद
possession    (also: belongings, commodity, finance, freight, furniture, goods, merchandise, stuff, substance)माल
possession    (also: intrusion, occupation, entree)दखल
possession    (also: ability, authority, command, commission, control, discretion, disposal, faculty, function, governance)अधिकार

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