to postpone

to postpone meaning in Hindi

to postpone    ({v.t.})देर करना|मुल्तवी करना|डाल रखना|विलंब करना|टालना
postponement    ({noun})तारीख हटा देना|देर|विलंब|मुल्तवी करना

Translations & Examples

to postpone    (also: to procrastinate, to retard, to defer, to loiter)देर करना
to postpone    (also: to shelve)मुल्तवी करना
to postpone    डाल रखना
to postpone    विलंब करना
to postpone    (also: to adjourn, to delay, to defer)टालना
postponement    (also: lateness, procrastination, suspense)देर
postponement    (also: abeyance, procrastination)विलंब
postponement    मुल्तवी करना

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