
posture meaning in Hindi

posture    ({noun})दशा|अवस्था|ढंग|हालत|शासन|स्थान|वजा
to posture    ({v.t.})किसी विशेष स्थान में या ढंग से रखना

Translations & Examples

posture    (also: case, circumstance, condition, constitution, degree, estate, habit, liking, plight, position)दशा
posture    (also: age, being, circumstance, condition, estate, fact, place, plight, position, predicament)अवस्था
posture    (also: breeding, carriage, demeanour, diction, expression, gait, habit, line, manner, method)ढंग
posture    (also: plight, position, predicament, temperature)हालत
posture    (also: direction, domination, governance, government, guidance, kingdom, management, regime, rule, ruling)शासन
posture    (also: accommodation, degree, establishment, latitude, locality, location, place, position, post, precinct)स्थान
posture    वजा

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