
precedent meaning in Hindi

precedent    ({adj.})अग्रगामी
precedent    ({noun})दृष्टांत|नमूना|उदाहरण
precedence    ({noun})पूर्वता|श्रेष्ठता|श्रेष्ठ पद|अग्र गमन
to precede    ({v.t.})आगे जाना|पहले चलना या होना

Translations & Examples

precedent    अग्रगामी
precedent    दृष्टांत
precedent    (also: example, model, paragon, pattern, prototype, sample, shape, specimen, spice, type)नमूना
precedent    (also: example, illustration, lead, paradigm, point)उदाहरण
precedence    (also: distinction, greatness, nobility, primacy, rank, seniority, superiority, supremacy, vantage, better)श्रेष्ठता
precedence    (also: quality)श्रेष्ठ पद
precedence    (also: priority, proceeding)अग्र गमन
to precede    पहले चलना या होना

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