
precept meaning in Hindi

precept    ({noun})आदेश|आज्ञा|विधि|नियम|हुक्म|वचन

Translations & Examples

precept    (also: behest, bidding, dictate, dictum, direction, instructions, mandate, prescription)आदेश
precept    (also: allowance, behest, bidding, caution, charge, command, commandment, confirmation, dictate, fiat)आज्ञा
precept    (also: act, decree, formula, institution, method, nature, order, prescription, principle, procedure)विधि
precept    (also: act, compact, condition, covenant, decree, enactment, engagement, formula, institute, law)नियम
precept    (also: fiat, instructions, mandate, nod)हुक्म
precept    (also: adage, agreement, aphorism, appointment, capitulation, compact, declaration, dictum, engagement, expression)वचन

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