to prefer

to prefer meaning in Hindi

to prefer    ({v.t.})अच्छा मानना|देना|अधिक चाहना|बढाना|अधिक आदर करना|बेहतर मानना|पेश करना
preference    ({noun})छंटाव|अधिक मान|अधिक आदर|पसन्द|चुनाव|ग्राह्यता

Translations & Examples

to prefer    अच्छा मानना
to prefer    (also: to administer, to give, to grant, to invest, to lend, to present, to set, to accommodate, to bestow, to deliver)देना
to prefer    अधिक चाहना
to prefer    (also: to deepen, to exalt, to extend, to increase, to outbid, to qualify, to rack, to raise, to advance, to affix)बढाना
to prefer    अधिक आदर करना
to prefer    बेहतर मानना
to prefer    (also: to bring, to move, to present, to introduce, to lay, to put, to produce)पेश करना
preference    अधिक मान
preference    अधिक आदर
preference    (also: choice, option, palate, pick, selection, swallow)पसन्द
preference    (also: election, selection)चुनाव
preference    (also: admissibility)ग्राह्यता

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