to prepare

to prepare meaning in Hindi

to prepare    ({vb})ठीक करना|सजाना|बनाना|तैयार करना
preparation    ({noun})बनाई हुई दवा|प्रबन्ध|रचना|सामान|प्रस्तुति|तैयारी|औषधि मिश्रण

Translations & Examples

to prepare    (also: to adjust, to amend, to match, to pair, to punish, to recover, to rectify, to set, to fashion, to fit)ठीक करना
to prepare    (also: to class, to construct, to mount)सजाना
to prepare    (also: to compose, to constitute, to construct, to contrive, to create, to pass)बनाना
to prepare    (also: to mature, to season, to ripen, to confect)तैयार करना
preparation    (also: arrangement, conduct, essay, government, oversight, procedure, supervision, system)प्रबन्ध
preparation    (also: composition, construction, creation, disposition, essay, fabrication, formation, invention, juxtaposition, organisation)रचना
preparation    (also: apparatus, appliance, appointment, baggage, fitting, furniture, gear, implement, luggage, paraphernalia)सामान
preparation    प्रस्तुति
preparation    (also: presence, provision)तैयारी
preparation    औषधि मिश्रण

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