to prevent

to prevent meaning in Hindi

to prevent    ({v.t.})रोकना|बरजना|आगे जाना|निषेध करना
preventive    ({noun})इलाज|रुकाव|अटकाव|उपाय|निवारक वस्तु
preventive    ({adj.})रोकनेवाला|बाधक|निवारक
prevention    ({noun})अटकाव|रोक

Translations & Examples

to prevent    (also: to curb, to dam, to dike, to discontinue, to fetter, to foreclose, to intercept, to interdict, to keep, to let)रोकना
to prevent    (also: to prohibit, to inhibit)बरजना
to prevent    (also: to usher, to proceed, to precede)आगे जाना
to prevent    (also: to interdict, to prohibit, to disallow, to ban)निषेध करना
preventive    (also: abeyance, confinement, desist)रुकाव
preventive    (also: brake, curb, delay, hindrance, impediment, interception, obstruction, prevention, restraint, stagnation)अटकाव
preventive    (also: appliance, artifice, boot, cure, design, device, machination, move, plan, projection)उपाय
preventive    निवारक वस्तु
preventive    (also: coercive, defensive)रोकनेवाला
preventive    (also: obstructive)बाधक
preventive    (also: defensive, exclusive)निवारक
prevention    (also: bar, barricade, barrier, block, bridle, confinement, constraint, detention, exception, exclusion)रोक

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