
qualified meaning in Hindi

qualified    ({adj.})निपुण|योग्यता प्राप्त|योग्य|परिमित
to qualify    ({vb})बढाना|मुलायम करना|परिमित करना|बनाना|संवारना|घटाना|योग्य करना
qualifier    ({noun})घटाने या ठीक करने वाला

Translations & Examples

qualified    (also: able, accomplished, adept, adroit, artful, competent, deft, expert, handy, ingenious)निपुण
qualified    योग्यता प्राप्त
qualified    (also: able, adequate, advisable, appropriate, apt, becoming, capable, compatible, competent, convenient)योग्य
qualified    (also: definite, finite, limited, narrow, parochial, reasonable, temperate)परिमित
to qualify    (also: to mitigate, to moderate, to mollify)मुलायम करना
to qualify    (also: to restrict, to restrain, to limit)परिमित करना
to qualify    (also: to alter, to model, to erect, to fabricate, to form, to found, to frame, to hew, to rescue, to restore)बनाना
to qualify    (also: to adjust, to better, to adorn, to deck, to decorate, to embellish, to equip, to flourish, to garnish, to rig)संवारना
to qualify    (also: to allow, to deduct, to dilute, to mitigate, to allay, to alleviate, to bate, to curtail, to debase, to decrease)घटाना
to qualify    (also: to suit)योग्य करना

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