
quarter meaning in Hindi

quarter    ({noun})चौथाई|चतुर्थंश
to quarter    ({vb})चार सम भाग करना|टुकडे टुकडे करना|टिकाना|ठहराना|सिपाहियों को तैनात करना
quarterly    ({adj.})त्रैमासिक|तिमाही
quarterly    ({adv.})त्रैमासिक
quarterly    ({noun})त्रैमासिक पत्र

Translations & Examples

quarter    चौथाई
quarter    चतुर्थंश
to quarter    (also: to break, to hackle, to mangle, to shatter, to shiver, to shred, to smash, to flake)टुकडे टुकडे करना
to quarter    (also: to station, to lodge)टिकाना
to quarter    (also: to decide, to establish, to anchor, to destine, to halt, to institute, to pacify, to settle, to station, to attribute)ठहराना
to quarter    सिपाहियों को तैनात करना
quarterly    तिमाही
quarterly    त्रैमासिक
quarterly    त्रैमासिक पत्र

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