
questioner meaning in Hindi

questioner    ({noun})प्रश्नकर्ता|पूछने वाला
to question    ({vb})पूछना|जिरह करना|विवाद करना|प्रश्न करना|संशय करना|हुज्जत करना|बहस करना
out of the question    ([idiom])सवाल ही नही उठता|विचार के अयोग्य|असम्भव

Translations & Examples

questioner    प्रश्नकर्ता
questioner    पूछने वाला
to question    जिरह करना
to question    (also: to bandy, to discuss, to dispute)विवाद करना
to question    (also: to interrogate, to query, to demand)प्रश्न करना
to question    संशय करना
to question    (also: to rebut)हुज्जत करना
to question    (also: to bandy, to debate, to discuss, to reason, to moot, to plead)बहस करना
out of the question    विचार के अयोग्य
out of the question    (also: impossible, impractical, improbable, quixotic, romantic, unlikely)असम्भव

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