
quiet meaning in Hindi

quiet    ({noun})निःशब्दता|आनंद|विश्राम|स्थिरता|सुख|अव्याकुलता|शांति|आराम|चैन
quiet    ({adj.})निरुपद्रव|विरत|शांत|मृदुल|अभंग|अचल|चुपचाप|निःशब्द|स्थिर
to quiet    ({v.t.})स्थिर करना|धीरज देना

Translations & Examples

quiet    (also: silence, stillness)निःशब्दता
quiet    (also: gusto, hilarity, welfare)आनंद
quiet    (also: ease, leisure, recess, recreation, relaxation, repose, rest, sleep, stop)विश्राम
quiet    (also: continuance, firmness, fixture, permanence, rest, stability, stagnation, calm)स्थिरता
quiet    (also: amusement, clover, comfort, convenience, disengagement, ease, easement, enjoyment, happiness, refreshment)सुख
quiet    अव्याकुलता
quiet    (also: hush, mitigation)शांति
quiet    (also: help, inaction, inactivity, leisure, recreation, refreshment, sleep)आराम
quiet    (also: ease, peace, refreshment, rest, satisfaction)चैन
quiet    (also: harmless)निरुपद्रव
quiet    विरत
quiet    (also: cool, hushed, resigned, silent, slow, tranquil)शांत
quiet    (also: lenient)मृदुल
quiet    अभंग
quiet    (also: constant, firm, fixed, immobile, immovable, immutable, irrevocable, motionless, peremptory, real)अचल
quiet    (also: mute, serene, still, mum)चुपचाप
quiet    (also: mute, silent, still, tacit)निःशब्द
quiet    (also: calm, constant, firm, fixed, immovable, immutable, motionless, pacific, peaceful, permanent)स्थिर
to quiet    (also: to solace)धीरज देना

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