
quits meaning in Hindi

quits    ({adj.})बराबर शर्त का|बराबर
to quit    ({v.t.})अदा करना|तजना|पूरा करना|चुकता करना|छोड देना|त्यागना
quite    ({adv.})बिल्कुल|सम्पूर्ण रूप में|काफ़ी|सब|पूर्णतया

Translations & Examples

quits    बराबर शर्त का
quits    (also: adequate, ceaseless, continuous, equal, even, level, like, parallel, proportional, proportionate)बराबर
to quit    (also: to abandon, to relinquish)तजना
to quit    (also: to enact, to fill, to perfect, to realise, to realize, to redeem, to accomplish, to achieve, to belly, to eke)पूरा करना
to quit    चुकता करना
to quit    (also: to abandon, to release, to unbridle, to acquit, to eliminate, to enlarge, to exempt, to fail, to forgive, to ignore)छोड देना
to quit    (also: to abandon, to eschew, to renounce, to discard, to relinquish)त्यागना
quite    सम्पूर्ण रूप में
quite    (also: enough, noticeably, pretty)काफ़ी
quite    (also: wholly, stark)सब
quite    (also: fully)पूर्णतया

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