
rack meaning in Hindi

rack    ({noun})शिकंजा|कष्ट|पीडा|खूंटी|पशुओं को घास खिलाने का कटघरा|दुःख|वस्तुएं रखने का कटघरा|आलमारी इत्यादि
to rack    ({v.t.})बहुत दबाना|थका मारना|दुःख देना|बढाना|निचोडना|व्याकुल करना

Translations & Examples

rack    (also: press)शिकंजा
rack    (also: affliction, ailment, anguish, annoyance, cross, discomfort, grievance, pang, persecution, scrape)कष्ट
rack    (also: ache, ailment, anguish, annoyance, discomfort, disease, inconvenience, pain, soreness, struggle)पीडा
rack    (also: peg, pin, stubble, stud, stump)खूंटी
rack    पशुओं को घास खिलाने का कटघरा
rack    (also: bale, cross, discomfort, disease, inconvenience, pain, pang, persecution, sorrow, suffering)दुःख
rack    वस्तुएं रखने का कटघरा
rack    आलमारी इत्यादि
to rack    (also: to overdo)थका मारना
to rack    (also: to molest, to pain, to vex, to hurt, to inconvenience, to injure, to torture)दुःख देना
to rack    (also: to deepen, to exalt, to extend, to increase, to outbid, to qualify, to raise, to advance, to affix, to amplify)बढाना
to rack    (also: to fleece, to express, to jam, to squeeze, to strain)निचोडना
to rack    (also: to bother, to puzzle, to disconcert, to embarrass, to embroil, to encumber, to perplex, to trouble, to beset)व्याकुल करना

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