
rage meaning in Hindi

rage    ({noun})ग़ुस्सा|रोष|प्रबल इच्छा|क्रोध|कामना|प्रचण्डता|लालसा
to rage    ({v.i.})रोष करना|झुंझलाना|आग बबूला होना|धुनना

Translations & Examples

rage    ग़ुस्सा
rage    (also: anger, indignation, offence, offense, resentment, temper, umbrage, wrath)रोष
rage    प्रबल इच्छा
rage    (also: anger, displeasure, fire, foam, fret, fury, gall, ire, irritation, resentment)क्रोध
rage    (also: ambition, eagerness, stomach)कामना
rage    (also: compulsion)प्रचण्डता
rage    (also: ambition, eagerness, longing, lust, passion)लालसा
to rage    झुंझलाना
to rage    आग बबूला होना
to rage    धुनना

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