rank | (also: numerous) | बहुत ज्यादा |
rank | | जरखेज |
rank | (also: keen) | कडुआ |
rank | | बदबूदार |
rank | (also: exorbitant, inordinate) | अत्यधिक |
rank | (also: abominable, distasteful, harsh, nauseous, repugnant, repulsive, sickening) | अरुचिकर |
rank | (also: allotment, branch, component, deal, department, interest, lobe, lot, part, partition) | भाग |
rank | (also: ancestry, array, category, class, continuation, grade, line, place, predicament, progression) | श्रेणी |
rank | (also: alignment, class, file, line, tier) | पंक्ति |
rank | (also: lot, partition, portion, segment, share) | हिस्सा |
rank | (also: distinction, greatness, nobility, precedence, primacy, seniority, superiority, supremacy, vantage, better) | श्रेष्ठता |
rank | (also: order, point) | दरजा |
rank | (also: category, denomination, feather, genus, kind, kingdom, race, species, square, state) | वर्ग |
rank | (also: birth, category, class, clause, degree, dignity, expression, grade, item, line) | पद |
rank | (also: range) | कतरा |
to rank | | कतरा लगाना |
to rank | | पंक्ति बांधना |
to rank | (also: to clip, to range, to sort, to prune) | छांटना |
to rank | | मरतबा रखना |