
rate meaning in Hindi

rate    ({noun})मान|माप|परिमाण|शुल्क|प्रमाण|कर|महसूल|मूल्य
to rate    ({vb})भाव ठहराना|मूल्य निरूपण करना|अनुमान या अटकल करना|छिडकना|किसी दरजे में रखना
rating    ({noun})योग्यता निर्धारण|दर्जा

Translations & Examples

rate    (also: consequence, credit, honor, honour, measure, quantity, weight)मान
rate    (also: gauge, measurement)माप
rate    (also: bulk, deal, dimension, extent, magnitude, measure, quantity, quantum, ratio, stint)परिमाण
rate    (also: tax)शुल्क
rate    (also: aphorism, confirmation, demonstration, evidence, measurement, paragon, probation, proof, quantity, rule)प्रमाण
rate    (also: Scot, custom, duty, finance, reprise, revenue, tax)कर
rate    (also: tax)महसूल
rate    (also: charge, cost, price, value, worth)मूल्य
to rate    मूल्य निरूपण करना
to rate    अनुमान या अटकल करना
to rate    छिडकना
to rate    किसी दरजे में रखना
rating    (also: class, degree, grade, line, place, tier)दर्जा

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