
raving meaning in Hindi

raving    ({adj.})पागल|उन्मत्त|दीवाना|अरबर बकने वाला
to rave    ({v.i.})अरबर बकना|बेसुध बोलना|अचेत होना

Translations & Examples

raving    (also: crazy, frantic, insane, lunatic, mad, madcap, moonstruck, nutty, rabid)पागल
raving    (also: mad, rabid)उन्मत्त
raving    (also: frantic, rabid)दीवाना
raving    अरबर बकने वाला
to rave    बेसुध बोलना
to rave    (also: to swoon)अचेत होना

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