
raw meaning in Hindi

raw    ({adj.})अनाडी|कच्चा|बे पका हुआ|बे बुना हुआ|बिना उबाला या भुना हुआ|बिना बनाया हुआ|असंपूर्ण|अधूरा|अनभ्यस्त

Translations & Examples

raw    (also: awkward, callow, crass, incapable, inexperienced, rude, silly, verdant)अनाडी
raw    (also: abortive, crude, green, immature, imperfect, infirm, insecure, superficial, unripe, verdant)कच्चा
raw    बे पका हुआ
raw    बे बुना हुआ
raw    बिना उबाला या भुना हुआ
raw    बिना बनाया हुआ
raw    (also: defective, partial)असंपूर्ण
raw    (also: abortive, crude, cursory, defective, immature, imperfect, inadequate, inconclusive, obscure, sketchy)अधूरा
raw    (also: unaccustomed, initiate)अनभ्यस्त

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