
ray meaning in Hindi

ray    ({noun})चमक|प्रकाश|समझ|ज्ञान|दृष्टि|एक मछली|किरण
to ray    ({v.i.})किरण निकालना|धारियां बनाना|फूटना

Translations & Examples

ray    (also: blaze, brightness, brilliance, flare, flash, flourish, gleam, glitter, gloss, glow)चमक
ray    (also: allegation, daylight, disclosure, illumination, light, luster, lustre, publicity, revelation, show)प्रकाश
ray    (also: brain, discretion, discrimination, head, idea, intellect, intelligence, mind, opinion, penetration)समझ
ray    (also: belief, cognizance, consciousness, experience, idea, information, intellect, intelligence, ken, knowledge)ज्ञान
ray    (also: aspect, eyesight, ken, look, look-out, phase, prospect, reference, seeing, sight)दृष्टि
ray    (also: mussel)एक मछली
ray    किरण
to ray    धारियां बनाना
to ray    (also: to fork, to spurt, to explode)फूटना

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